Japan’s Mount Asama Erupts, Spreading Ash on Tokyo
By Takahiko Hyuga and Tak Kumakura
Feb. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Mount Asama volcano in central Japan erupted overnight, spreading ash as far as central Tokyo 150 kilometers (93 miles) away.
The volcano had a “small” eruption at 1:51 a.m. local time, throwing rocks up to 1 kilometer, the Japan Meteorological Agency said on its Web site. There were no reports of damage or injuries.
“I woke up after midnight to the sound and shake of the eruption,” Daisuke Tanaka, 24, a convenience-store attendant, who lives about 20 kilometers away from the mountain, said by telephone today. “The sound was as if an airplane was taking off nearby and it continued for 30 minutes.”
The 2,568 meter peak, which last had a minor eruption in August last year, is one of the most active volcanoes in Japan. A major eruption in 1783 killed more than 1,000 people. The meteorological agency yesterday raised its alert level, prohibiting people from entering the area around the volcano, after recording an increase in seismic activity.
Japan has had several major volcanic eruptions in the recent past. Mount Usu on the northern island of Hokkaido erupted in 2000, forcing more than 15,000 residents to evacuate.
In the same year, about 3,000 people were evacuated when Mount Oyama on Miyake Island off Tokyo erupted. And in 1991, 43 people died after an eruption of Mount Unzen on the southern island of Kyushu.
To contact the reporters on this story: Takahiko Hyuga in Tokyo at thyuga@bloomberg.net; Tak Kumakura in Tokyo tkumakura@bloomberg.net.
Last Updated: February 1, 2009 20:04 EST
That's amazing. Be safe!
I've seen Mount Etna in Sicily erupting and it is awesome, very pretty at night when you can see the fire but it spews out such alot of black dust and makes a mess of everything !! Don't get too close !!! :-)
65 miles away!? Good grief, I had no idea it could travel that far and still leave a fair layer on your car!!
Oh Michelle be safe! Keep us posted.
Wow that's a lifetime experience to see, hope you're far enough away to be safe and close enough to be part of a historic event.
Did you know there is ash falling on your blog page too? ;)
Take care
Be safe! When i was stationed in Sicily, I lived on Mt. Etna and could lay in bed and see the lava flowing. Don't get too close to it! Admire it from a distance!
WOW! I have never known anyone that has even seen an active volcano. How exciting. I love your picture diary, very cute. Hugs, Leslie
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